14 May 2009

It's Not My Property!

HH KKS: Srila Prabhupada was once challenged...once challenged and said ‘Why are you trying to convert people into Hindus’...Prabhupada replied and said ‘I’m not trying to convert anyone into Hindus I’m simply trying to make Christians better Christians, Moslems better Moslems, and Hindus better Hindus by teaching them the true purpose of their religion’...because the true purpose of religion is not external...it is about giving your heart...it is about giving everything...it is about understanding who is the proprietor...if Krishna is the proprietor...(sanskrit)...if He is the Sarva Loka Maha Isvara...if He’s the Supreme Proprietor of all locations...then it means that He’s also the proprietor here...then what are we?...then we are caretakers...and if we see ourselves as the caretakers on behalf of Krishna then everything changes... instead of saying ‘This is mine’ ... . ‘And this is also mine”... “No, it’s mine!”………...no...no...I’m taking care of this on behalf of the Supreme Lord...it’s not my property I’m looking after it on behalf of Him...so then the question arises...What is His purpose?...What is His aim?....(03-14-09- Stockholm)

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