19 July 2009

Fix a broken car...FORGET IT!

(HH KKS 11/02/09 - SB 11:6:11)
Sometimes it is thought this world is a gift of Krishna to us: “Yes Krishna was so kind that he made this material world for us so that we can have a good time!” That’s the idea and therefore they think that religion is there to say, “Thank you Krishna for giving us this nice world where we can have a great time”
And that’s going on and in the middle of it some disaster happens either on a large scale or a private scale and then suddenly it’s not such a nice world anymore: “How is this possible? How can this happen?” A more sober person who is not so passionate can see things as they are, a passionate person is so full of desire to enjoy that a passionate person projects that desire to enjoy upon the world, upon everything. So a very passionate person is just projecting desire and then he or she everywhere sees...wonderful things! In that case an ordinary girl looks like the Goddess of Fortune!
You see that in the fourth canto of Bhagavatam, You remember King Puranjana. He meets this lady in the forest and he is immediately and totally convinced and he said, “My dear Goddess of Fortune, what happened to your lotus flower, have you dropped it in the forest somewhere”
Because the Goddess of Fortune is supposed to carry a lotus flower, but this lady was not carrying a lotus flower but she looked like the Goddess of Fortune so he was saying have you dropped your lotus flower... so just see! So in other word projecting ...turning her in to the Goddess of Fortune which she obviously is not, she’s not Lakshmi, but he wants Lakshmi so he sees Lakshmi! ....A lady wants a prince, an ordinary Jo comes around the corner, but she is convinced that “Oh here is Prince Jo” ...for a while, for a little while, it doesn’t last that long!
So those in the mode of passion they project upon reality . They project their own desires upon reality and colour it and make it really nice......but the truth of the matter is the material world is not designed for happiness and there is nothing that can fix it....NOTHING! It is like a broken car, it can not be fixed. Fix a broken car...forget it! It’s not even worth starting, as soon as you fix one thing, another thing is automatically broken. So the material world is like that, it cannot be fixed! So devotees are described as pessimistic about material life, they don’t believe you can create a perfect happy situation in the material world.
(Sanskrit) Happiness and distress will come on their own accord, sometimes you get one and sometimes you get the other, fine, therefore knowing that ...a devotee doesn’t put his hopes on the material energy. It doesn’t mean that we don’t want some comfort and something nice to happen to us, but we are not going to put all of our hopes: “Yes yes yes I hope it is all going to work out. We think sometimes it will work and sometimes it may not...my real happiness is not here in this material world , my real happiness is in the spiritual world. My real happiness is in the relationship with Krishna”
And that is the difference between one who is doing Vedic sacrifices that are mixed, who is doing Vedic sacrifices, a little bit for Krishna and a little bit to fix the material situation at the same time, it means: “Yes, I can still be happy in this material world, I can be , it can be done, it can be , yes, absolutely” But actually the truth is ...NO. We’ll never be happy in this world. I know it is a very hard thing to say and not everyone may agree with it, but if you don’t agree with it then know: THIS IS MAYA. This is the illusion. This is the work of maya, this is what maya does! Covering potency of maya!


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