HH KKS: Our nature is mixed, partially we are attracted to Krishna. Many parts of us are into Krishna consciousness and there are parts of us that are not into Krishna consciousness….it is the beast that still lives inside that wants to break loose..right..and it just really wants to just go for it…....That beast is also there. Sometimes I have gave a whole class on the beast ..but not tonight..another time! But any how it is obvious….that we have to purify our nature…that is there for everyone. So in the beginning of Krishna consciousness that may be very difficult and therefore rules and regulations are becoming the main focus…otherwise it is a choice of being in or out…right…in the beginning there is the choice to be a devotee or not to be? …That is the question! There is no other question that is the burning question ….am I going to make it or not? ……..but in due course of time we become kind of habituated to this sort of life , we become more settled and this is no longer the burning question on our minds. But what becomes the isuue is still we have to make advancement and we are after some time feeling : well are we really?..that becomes the question! Am I really making any advancement ? Am I really getting purified? Well the answer is Yes!