24 April 2009

Saved From Hell!

HH KKS: A sinful person according to Bhagavatam is taken to the planet of Yamaraja …where first of all he is already punished on the way…and on that Yamaloka he is also being punished…he will be placed in some hellish condition where he has to suffer more.
It is inevitable..because if you can not hear, if we can not learn by hearing …then the only system to learn is by ..training. it is a way of training …just as animals…you train . a horse …….you train ….a little whip ..not this way..that way. Pain is away of training ….so Krishna when he sees that the living being is so rebellious and by no way can he be controlled and he is destructive and sinful..and destructive to others and himself…..Then Krishna trains that living being through suffering. And in this way it is act of Krishna’s kindness that he has created such training ..such hellish planets…where the living beings are reformed.
But this movement is to really save people from hellish planets and in so many ways the movement can change people’s destiny. Just a kirtana…if anyone hears a kirtana his destiny can be changed, a little prasadam his destiny can be changed,…a book his destiny can be very much changed. Now they are making a connection with this movement. How much can our destiny be changed…..because I can’t remember any of my previous lives and I have no idea of what I did in previous lives but I know I did enough in this life to deserve to go to hell…just for what I did in this life….so what to speak of previous lives.
Therefore we have truly been saved from these hellish planets by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, by his movement and by mercy of all the devotees who are tirelessly working to save conditioned souls. So we are very fortunate. It is a wonderful movement and it can change the whole world into Vaikuntha. Hell can be found here on this planet…you don’t have to go far, you don’t have to go to other planets you can find it here…but this movement can transform the world into Vaikuntha….so what an amazing movement we have. How great is our responsibility!

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