17 April 2009

...i just might forget...!

Mr Gupta lived in Indore in India and he had a shop in truck parts, and so the whole day people were coming for this and that. But there was something special about his shop, and that was that everywhere there were pictures of Krsna! Never ever have you seen in one space that many pictures of Krsna! There were pictures all over the wall, there were pictures on the ceilings, pictures on the door, pictures on the door knob, pictures on the table- everything had a picture of Krsna! Whatever you could imagine, it had a picture of Krsna! Never ever have I seen again a space with so many pictures of Krsna! And everyday he was putting some more- more and more little pictures of Krsna- and he was addicted to it.

At one point it becomes an addiction; when you start to do something in relation to Krsna, at one point you cant stop! So it became an obsession; he had to put more pictures of Krsna. His watch had a picture of Krsna, his pen had a picture of Krsna- everything had a picture of Krsna. So I asked him one day, Mr Gupta why do you have so many pictures of Krsna? And he basically said, ‘Just in case, I might forget…’ That is the spirit of trying to increase our Krsna consciousness, ‘just in case I might forget…’

(HH KKS, DBN, SA, 2009)

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