The Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde principle is indeed there. Even while we are walking around with folded hands looking very devotional, there's the beast still inside and wants to break lose! But we hide him as if he's not there!
Even the man who puts his tie and goes to work and looks very civilised, underneath that tie there is also a beast, haha! And he is just waiting for the opportunity, close the curtains. Haha! Here I am! Like that right? I know the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde principle very well! What to do?
So, even as devotees, we have this lower nature in us also, and we have to control it..... Everyone has to control it but to some extent. The man with the tie is also controlling, he's only letting it out with his secretary, not with everyone!
But we, devotees must actually control this lower nature of ourselves permanently.
Is it possible, can it be done? Certainly Dr Jekyll couldn't do it. Mr Hyde had to come out by force as we remember the book as it unfolds he felt that Mr Hyde's coming out now, and then Dr Jekyll would quickly go to a place, could be alone so no one could see that the lower nature would come out. So how are we devotees going to deal with this, are we also showing a saintly face here on the Sunday feast and then later on when the door is closed......We let it all out!
No, at least it's not supposed to be like that, of course, I don't know. In some cases I don't know, but then surely very quickly it will change.
But it's not supposed to be like that because the chanting of Hare Krishna is so powerful that it gives one a special power where he can just get lost!
Mr Hyde we don't want you!
You just take a hike!
Mr Hyde. Take a walk! Right. Bye bye!
One can by the chanting of Hare Krishna kick out Mr Hyde once and for all.
In the beginning it may still be a little struggle, naturally, but, he goes quick if we chant Hare Krishna.
So that is the way that Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us the mercy is available, and that one can,come above this lower nature in ourselves. How? Not artificially by repression. Not that we drive out this lower nature right, by force and by strength but by higher taste. We do it by higher taste. So Krishna consciousness is natural, it's not a process of oppression.
If devotees can follow four regulative principles, no intoxication, no gambling, no illicit sex, no meat eating etc then that is not an artificial repression. In the beginning it maybe, but very soon he will develop a higher taste.
So spiritual life, no more Mr Hyde!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami 06/06/1999)