22 January 2009

Uninterrupted And Unmotivated Service

HH KKS: The elder brother of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu named Vishvarupa… when they were young…now he was quite a bit older than Nimai… so Nimai was still a small boy… and Vishvarupa was already like a young man at that time. Vishvarupa used to just spend his whole day in the deity room doing puja and studying Bhagavatam, the only time he would come out was to come to Bhagvatam lectures of Advaita Acarya and then straight back into to the puja room , little Prasad, going in and out sometimes, and that was it. So he was not wasting a second, this principle of not wasting time is one of the symptoms of being absorbed in devotional service. Not that ha-ha that was a lot of surrender to Krishna now I can , I feel really good about that, now I can take a break, take a few hours break , little sense gratification, and then a little surrender to Krishna. NO this is actually interrupted devotional service, but we must come to uninterrupted, unmotivated … so constant from one moment to the next, not wasting a second ..always engaged in Krishna consciousness, and anything that’s not to do with Krishna Consciousness.. no meaning at all. Like a Vaisnava can do anything to spread Krishna Consciousness , we may consider football a very boring game but if somehow or other we can play football for Krishna then suddenly it becomes very exciting , of course that maybe an exceptional situation but such a situation might just come about who knows, so what can we say …. anything can be done in the service of Krishna if its favourable for Krishna consciousness

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