We are walking through this world, boom, boom, boom, as if we are asleep! We are walking around and we don’t see, we don’t see how everything is connected with Krsna- we have no idea! We see stones, we see plastic chairs, we feel cold, we see a tent, we see some light bulbs, a few people- that’s what we see. We think of the news, we think of ‘home’, we think of eating, we think of things and we forget Krsna, and we don’t see that everything is connected with Krsna, and thus we feel alone, we feel alone. It is amazing when you forget Krsna, how you feel alone…even when you’re married! Even when you’re with 100 people, you still feel alone, that’s what happens. Alone because…sometimes we feel no one understands us; you work hard, you try and achieve something, but who’s there to share it with? Who’s there to appreciate? Alone! So loneliness is there in everyone who doesn’t have Krsna!
(Excerpt from Lenasia Ratha Yatra class, SA, September '08, HH KKswami)