Well that is also a fact. And a distinction is made and therefore Krishna says “Yes, Husband and Wife.” Then there is different thing (Sanskrit). But even in the Vedic culture of husband and wife would together go for spiritual life ........nowadays that's also not there. Spiritual life if it is at all there is something symbolic, and for most it is something in the background. It is not a very prominent thing. But in Vedic culture spiritual life was in the foreground. It was an important element in life. Prominent and should be. Therefore (Sanskrit).. sex life within religious principles within marriage .........for it was that at one point they would say: and now we perform a (Sanskrit) ritual, and then we'll purify ourselves, and then we'll try and receive a child. So in this way - Vedic Culture.
For all - it is not beneficial to associate with people who are in the grip of lust. At least not intimately. If one becomes very friendly with mundane people then after some time we also become mundane.
(HH KKS 31/07/2005)