So we need some nectar. It’s very important that we have some nectar. It is not all about determination:
‘I shall do it!!! I shall never do it again!!! I’m giving up sex life!!! At least all illicit sex, and in between I just bite a piece of wood!!!’
That is not going to work.
Srila Prabhupad spoke about a yogi who was walking naked and who had put a lock on his genitals and the Prabhupad asked the intelligent question:
‘They may put the lock, but the question is:
'who has the key?!?'’
Yes, very intelligent. A lock will not do, - what will the piece of wood will do?
We need nectar in Krsna Consciousness.
Transcribed By Yamuna Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Fruska Goranga camp 2010)