The Humble Chapati
And to be humble means to be the instrument. To be like dough in the hands of someone else. To not be afraid to let others control our life, the vaisnavas, the superior vaisnavas. See, no one is as intimidating as the spiritual master because the spiritual master has more authority than any other person has ever had in our life; Not the government, not the teacher, not the parents, no one ever had so much authority, no one ever had absolute authority therefore the spiritual master is the most intimdating personality and therefore we smile to him and try to look at our best and we are trying not to talk about sensitive issues, and even if we do with a few chosen words. Often times we prefer to ask advice to anybody else because whatever advise you get you don’t have to follow it! (laugh) But if you ask the spiritual master for advice, my God, you may get an answer that you never asked for and you have to follow it. So its very intimidating. So humility means that we become the willing instrument in the hands of our spiritual master, like chapati dough, whatever he wants to make of us. Its not up to us what we want to do. No. “Is it alright?” No, whatever he wants to make of us. And then we activiely take that. We let him direct us and then we actively take it. .
Kadamba Kanana Swami
19 November 2010
Sri Dham Mayapur