08 December 2008

The level of trust...

Excerpts from a lecture given by HH Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaja this morning in Sridham Mayapur, 8/12/08
Such level of trust is very rare to find; basically our entire world is based on distrust and this is so deeply rooted in our hearts that it’s very hard to accept any authority, it’s very difficult to accept any guidance and even when the authority is bonafide then we find that we are so conditioned by this inherent distrust that we just can’t surrender, that we cannot just emotionally trust, although intellectually we know we should- like in a guru disciple relationship. With great fear we go before our spiritual master hoping that we will not get an impossible order that we have to follow. Thus we try to be neutral, thus we try to be invisible, thus we try to not stand out too much and attract too much attention- dangerous! One could be sent anywhere, any place, any time in the world, and then what? With an absolute order and this is most scary that there could be a person in the world who is absolute authority over us- my God! Just the thought! So that level of trust is so difficult to achieve, so rare to find and yet that is what is required in spiritual relationships. It requires a certain amount of detachment also…

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