10 June 2012

KKSblog.com - You can’t steal someone’s kidneys!

KKSblog.com - You can’t steal someone’s kidneys!

You can’t steal someone’s kidneys!

Posted: 09 Jun 2012 09:56 AM PDT

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, 18th May 2012) Lecture: Bhakti Bhavana Q & A House program

Srila Prabhupada said:

'India will be the Country where people will be the most exalted and the most degraded at the same time in Kali-yuga!'

So if you go in Delhi for an operation then you have to be careful, because they may take out a few more organs then you think!

'Appendix, yes yes, an immediate operation. The kidney is also gone!'

Everybody knows it, since it's all over the papers. Doctors get caught over that, but what about the ones who don't get caught? And what about that appendix operation that you had? So what about such a doctor? So what's he going to get? Well he took the oath of Hippocrates – the oath to engage his occupation for the good of mankind as a doctor and see what he did? He has to suffer a little bit:

'No no I will not do it again.'

Well that is not good enough, you have to suffer for it in your life to free you from this selfishness…but still you can't steal someone's kidneys!

'I stole it to save people's lives!'

Yeah, yeah to save my bank account fund.

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See a specialist rather than doctoring it alone

Posted: 09 Jun 2012 09:26 AM PDT

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, 18th May 2012) Lecture: Bhakti Bhavana Q & A House program

I used to live in Vrindavan, which was a long time ago, when in the rural areas, the medical facilities were sometimes worse than the disease. I was in the Rama Krishna mission hospital at one time and the doctors were fighting over me:

'It's malaria!'

It's typhoid!'

It's malaria!'

It's typhoid!'

So fine I thought it was malaria. You had to buy your own medicine, so I was sending someone to buy me some malaria medicine and the typhoid doctors said to me:

'You will die!'

I thought, thank you. I survived it and I got out of that hospital somehow or other. We used to have a book in our temple which was called, 'Where there is no doctor.' It was a very good book and very popular that everyone was reading it, me too. When I was reading it I thought:

'Yes, yes I have that. Yes, I have typhoid. Yes, yes I have malaria as well, and I have the whooping cough also!'

Every page you read, and then you would think:

'Yes I have that. I have these symptoms too!’

That was a super interesting book, and you can find it on the Internet. So anyway it doesn't really replace the doctor, I can tell you that. Better go to a good specialist and let him figure it out and in the same way if you want to understand Bhagavad-Gita then you have to get it from a realized soul! Therefore, next to the Gita there must also be a Guru or Guru Parampara – different Gurus from different levels as teachers. There must be teachers. Alone doctoring with the Gita, then good luck, since you may cut your leg and think it's a good idea!

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