14 June 2012

KKSblog.com - Renunciation is like karela

KKSblog.com - Renunciation is like karela

Renunciation is like karela

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 02:23 PM PDT

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, England, 4th June 2012) Lecture: SB 1.2.7

Renunciation is something like karela – like a bitter sabjhi. Okay it's on the menu and it's good for you, but you don't want a whole plateful of karela. That's a bit too much and probably most people eat less of the karela than the sweet at the end:

'Can I have seconds on the karela? Thirds on the karela?'

It's doubtful you know, only some people who are diabetics or something like that will have more of it, but ordinary people would just say:

'Okay I will have a little bit more of that cake and that cream, just a little. Just a tiny little bit to top it off.'

In this way we can see how Krishna Consciousness is very natural since we naturally go for what is inspiring, what is nice, what is giving, what is pleasurable and that is Krishna! That is the only thing. We somehow or other became that propensity, became misdirected, so it has to be redirected. It is not that the propensity has to be suppressed. The propensity to go for beauty, the propensity to go for sweetness, the propensity can simply be developed in Krishna Consciousness!

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A retreat in Leipzig

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 12:37 PM PDT

For the fourth year running, Kadamaba Kanana Maharaja held a Sadhana retreat with the East German congregation from 9-11 June. It was held at a sports camp in Hohburg, a small village which is about an hours drive from the Leipzig temple. The theme of the retreat was “sadhana and compassion” and Maharaja nicely elaborated on these points based on the teachings of the Brhad Bhagavatamrta. It was a weekend full of powerful kirtanas, wonderful bhajana and enlivening talks by Maharaja.

Since Hohburg is in the midst of nature, we decided to walk through the forest to a tranquil lake. It was the perfect setting for meditative bhajanas and deep philosophical talks. Some adventurous devotees, inspired by the sunny weather, took the opportunity to climb up a ten meter cliff and then plunged into the cold waters. In this way, although entitled “sadhana retreat”, for many devotees the stay more felt like a transcendental holiday.

After the retreat, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja travelled to the Leipzig temple. Yesterday (12 June), he held a small house program where he spoke about "achar and prachar" (behaviour and preaching in devotional service) based on examples of some of ISKCON’s great devotees.

Enjoy the pictures!

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Birmingham – 24 hour kirtana

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 12:37 PM PDT

Recently, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja went on a tour through England where he also participated in the 24 hour kirtana held in Birmingham (2-3 June). Enjoy the ecstatic slide show depicting this wonderful event.

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