29 April 2008
We can see that we don’t have it, that rather we are practicing and under the circumstances we’re trying to have a humble attitude but it’s very difficult to take shelter of superiors- very hard, very difficult. Our independence is very great and we’d rather figure it out ourselves- is everything fine? “Yes, yes very fine…” and then afterwards it’s total chaos but somehow or other we’ll work it out because we rather not take the risk that someone else tells us to do something we don’t like. So humility requires that we are ready to allow others control our lives, that’s a big thing.
This theme of humility is a major theme in spiritual life and that’s why we’re looking at it, because it can purchase the Lord.
(March 2008,Dbn, South Africa)
27 April 2008
Some Lectures and Bhajans from April in Amsterdam
Lecture at the home program, 8th april
SB bhagavatam Classes serie.
These classes discuss the qualities of a vaisnava
1 SB 7.11.8
2 SB 7.11.9
3 SB 7.11.10
Sunday Feast, 6 april
Bhajans - Maha Mantra
(To download, right-click and "Save link as..." )
25 April 2008
Home programma in Amsterdam on the 8th of april
18 April 2008
Bhajans and lecture in the Manor (UK)
05 April 2008
Ratha Yatra 2008- Durban, South Africa
This is a festival of hearing and chanting; these are the most important things in spiritual life. By hearing about Krsna, one develops some attachement to Krsna and one develops some desire to become a pure devotee, one develops some desire to do some service for Krsna. So this hearing is very valuable and then there is chanting…Everywhere in this festival there is something transcendental, something spiritual, so the whole site is vibrating with spiritual blessings- the mercy of Krsna…
Gaura Purnima (21 March)The secret of spiritual life is that basically we can overcome our limitations. Everyone is experiencing very much how in this material world we are limited and therefore, when we come to devotional service we think we’re also limited; we think that it is not possible, not possible, spiritual life is too difficult…But we are not considering that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is pulling us up, is lifting us above, that He extends our powers.
…as we understand more about Krsna, our love for Krsna also increases only. Our happiness increases in this way, therefore increasing our knowledge is another way of increasing our happiness. With incomplete knowledge, happiness will also be incomplete.
...In this way we find how the movement of Lord Caitanya came in waves; there was the first wave of Lord Nityananda- the wave of kirtana, the wave of ecstasy that hit Bengal. And then the second wave- the wave of philosophy. And in this way the waves are following and are sweeping up the devotees. So we also, in similar ways, are sometimes relishing the ecstasy at kirtana and other times, hearing about the nature of Lord Caitanya’s mercy. It is that mercy that comes in various ways; it comes in rasa, it comes in taste and it comes in tattva- in truth. We must know tattva; we must know the truth, what is truth. If we don’t know the truth, then we will consider the wrong thing important in life, then we will become carried away and we’ll make all kinds of priorities that in fact are not important at all. Therefore truth is essential…
…When we give out the mercy of Lord Caitanya, it becomes something very addictive and we have to do it again and again and we can’t stop it. And that’s what you see happening to the devotees- they can’t stop! And then all material desires begin to look so small and they just stay behind, they disappear. Then we can easily conquer our senses which otherwise seem so impossible to overcome.
Procession: (22 March)
(Go to http://www.kkswami.com/ for upcoming pics)
Sanyassa Initiation: HH Bhakti Nrsimha Maharaja
Initiation ceremony: (24 March)
In order to very quickly attain the result of such chanting, the Padma Purana is listing a number of offences that are to be avoided in chanting of the holy name. And Srila Prabhupada traditionally was explaining these ten offences at the time of initiation, because it is particularly about making these ten offences that we can delay the result of the initiation. Everything is very auspicious- the amount of blessings that we are receiving are very, very great; we’re receiving (as we heard), blessings of the Supreme Lord, blessings of the parampara, all the acaryas here are blessing this initiation. But still, if we are not careful about how to conduct ourselves, we might delay the result of this initiation of the chanting of the holy name…
Question and Answer sessions: (21-24 March)
…self-realization means that finally you stop acting, that finally you stop acting out the role in a play. We are in so many plays, we wear different masks, different identities. Oh yes, someone is a headmistress of a school- No, take off that mask now; who are you really? “Oh I am…” and then the name follows, take off that mask now; who are you really? “Well, I have a PhD!” take off that mask. “I am from the country of my birth…” take off that mask! And mask after mask we take off until finally, finally we come to our real face. And what is written on that face? KRSNA DAS or DASI! That is written there- eternal servant of Krsna! “That’s me…I never knew- eternal servant of Krsna! I never thought of that, that’s me…” finally, no more mask! But we’re attached to our mask because it looks nice’ it’s been there for so long, it’s almost grown together with ourselves. So in this way it’s so difficult to give up our false ego. But by chanting Hare Krsna, by transcendental knowledge, will cut the knot of karma, then gradually our real self will emerge. That is why self realization is the point where one becomes really happy in life, because then you’re finally your real self…
...This is not just for a few, this is not for the exceptions- this is for EVERYBODY! Because, this process is so powerful that it can help everybody. We see that. You may see many programs over the Easter weekend; there was yesterday a lady from some Hindu organization taking pictures and a quick interview and said, “What is your name Swami? Please write it down” and I did, and she said, “Oh I have been taking pictures the whole day. Yes, I’ve been all over Durban, there’s so many things going on…” But I’m sure that no where you will see what you see here! That there are people from all backgrounds, mixed together, that there are swami’s from Europe or from South Africa (Zulu swami’s now we have!), we have all kinds! No one has that. Why? Because no one has the process, no one has the process to lift people above their karma. But we have a process which lifts people above their karma. So you too can rise above…
We are focusing on our eternal benefit. That’s why this festival is so Krsna-centred. No where in Durban you will find any spiritual arrangement which will speak so much about Krsna, Krsna, the Supreme Lord, spiritual life, the soul…all these words you will hear it echoing all day long here in this festival- such an intense focus…
Spiritual life is meant to touch every moment of our life. Spiritual life is not reserved for a particular day of the week or for a particular place, such as the temple or for a festival at the beachfront, which takes place at Easter once a year, but spiritual life is truly meant for touching every aspect of our life. Krsna consciousness immediately brings about a major change, Krsna consciousness immediately begins to eliminate all the negative, sinful activities from our life, Krsna consciousness will gradually bring us to a point where our life becomes pure and free from fault…
The name of Krsna is Krsna; when we chant the name of Krsna, Krsna is personally present…therefore this chanting is not a musical performance but rather, the chanting is devotional service to Krsna…that is the secret of bhakti yoga- to actively serve Krsna…The chanting does not just enter into our ears but it enters into our heart and cleanses the dust from the mirror of our hear, then continues and it destroys whatever influence the material energy has upon us. It is said, it is burning like fire- the fire is representing the lust and the infliction of suffering that we are experiencing due to material life. The chanting is calming down our burning heart and is offering us a satisfaction. In this way, chanting begins to alleviate the infliction of material life and this is the first experience of the chanting...
…on the banks of the Ganga in Sridham Mayapur, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu inaugurated the harinama sankirtana. This harinama sankirtana inundated the entire Mayapur in great ecstasy. This ecstasy was then taken into the hearts of the devotees; Srila Prabhupada took that same ecstasy, carried it across the ocean from India to America…